Miniature Bridge Building Competition

Minor Photo Release Form

I give the County of Summit and the Summit County Engineer’s office permission to publish in print, electronic, or video format the likeness or image of my child or audio recordings of my child. I release all claims against the County of Summit and the Summit County Engineer’s office with respect to copyright ownership and publication including any claim for compensation related to use of the materials and right of publicity of my child related to his/her participation in the MBBC event. Images, video and audio recordings of my child taken or recorded on the date below by the Summit County Engineer’s office may may be used in all forms of media, including but not limited to print, broadcasting, advertising, brochures, newsletters, college publications, and on the Summit County Engineer’s Web site; in audiovisual presentations; and in any other media to promote the MBBC and inform the public about the MBBC. It is understood that such use is a non-commercial use. These photos, video or other images or recordings may be used by the County of Summit and the Summit County Engineer’s office without payment of fees, royalties or other remuneration.

I confirm that I am a parent/guardian, and agree that the listed minor's images can be published per this agreement.

When images are published, the Summit County Engineer’s office will take cautionary steps to provide minimum identifying information and will not use specific street or mailing addresses, e‐mail addresses, or phone numbers. If you have questions, please contact Kristin Schaffner at 330-643-8038.