Township Request for Engineering Assistance

Fields marked with an * asterisk are required.

The Board of Township Trustees hereby requests the County Engineer's services as follows

Check all that apply

Speed limit study

Intersection study

Sight distance study

Ditch maintenance or cleanout

Stormwater pond maintenance

Petition for stormwater improvement

Pavement resurfacing or maintenance

Roadway widening or other improvement study

Intersection improvements study

Cost sharing eligibility determination

County maintenance services

Project concept plan budget estimate for funding request

Assessed subdivision maintenance

Culvert safety inspection

Culvert hydraulic analysis

Construction estimate force-account

Construction estimate ODOT format

Construction plans

Other (provide details below)

Include a brief description of what the board is requesting. If there are multiple locations, list them below *
Township requests that the County Engineer send a response to the following
Supporting Documents

Supporting Images

For images, please upload .JPG, .PNG, .GIF only please:

Upload Image 1:

Upload Image 2:

Image 3

Upload New Image:

Supporting Files

For files, lease upload .PDF, .DOC, .XLS only please. If you have more than three files, you can zip them up and upload a single zip file

Upload Supporting Document 1:

Upload Supporting Documents 2:

Upload Supporting Documents 3:

Digital Signature *
By clicking here I am affirming that at least two of the three township trustees have approved submitting this request.

A copy of the Township Services Policy can be viewed here.