Construction : Canton Road Resurfacing - 2023 Project


Jul 24, 2024

Project Details

Project ID:



Springfield Township

Project Contacts:

Brian Olson

Project Schedule

Plan Year:

04-01-2023 - 11-30-2023

Construction Starts:

Jul 15, 2024

This project provides for the resurfacing of Canton Road from Pontius Road to Tisen Road. A special round of AMATS funding applications was conducted in June 2021 and SCE was awarded $528,000. This was additional STBG monies from AMATS, with an 80/20 match ratio. The money came from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act.


Design is substantially complete.
Northstar has been awarded this contract.

  • 05/21/2024: Working on getting preconstruction meeting set up with contractor.
  • 06/14/2024: Preconstruction meeting was held
  • 07/02/2024: Contractor will be starting work on July 15th weather permitting. 
  • 07/09/2024: Contractor has stated that they will start work on catch basins on Thursday 7/11/2024
  • 07/15/2024: Work on this project was began. Northstar has started pavement milling
Graphical map of project site

Maintenance of Traffic:

Traffic will be maintained throughout the project. 

Image of Canton Road Resurfacing Project Image 2023


Project Development Cost:


Construction Cost:




Funding Sources:

Federal Funds: $572,000

Motor Vehicle and Gas Tax Funds: $272,000.00