Construction : Akron-Cleveland Road Improvement Project


May 16, 2024

Project Details

Project ID:



Boston Township

Project Contacts:

Chuck Hauber, PE, PS 

Project Schedule

Plan Year:

01-01-2022 - 12-30-2022

SCE received $700,000 in federal funds for the resurfacing of 1.43 miles Akron-Cleveland Road in Boston Township from the Boston Heights border to the Cuyahoga Falls border. Work will include pavement repairs, shoulder restoration, resurfacing, and new pavement markings.


Kenmore Construction was awarded the construction contract. 

  • 03/05/2024: Public Service Department will be repairing two catch basins .
  • 03/19/2024: Public Service Department completed catch basin work and berm work. 
  • 04/02/2024: Kenmore completeing shoulder repairs.
  • 04/16/2024:  ATT will be out to adjust manholes to grade
  • 04/23/2024: ATT still working on adjusting manholes
  • 04/30/2024: Kenmore will need to repair loop detector that was damaged
  • 05/16/2024: Kenmore is aware of loop detector needing replaced and is planning replacement. 
Graphical map of project site

Maintenance of Traffic:

Two-way traffic will be maintained at all times during construction. 

Image of Akron Cleveland Project Photo


Construction Cost:


Funding Sources:

Federal funds: $700,000

Motor Vehicle and Gas Tax funds: $175,000