Press Release
Steels Corners Bridge Rehabilitation and E. Steels Corners Rd. Traffic Pattern Change
Jun 27, 2024 - Cuyahoga Falls/Stow, OH
Summit County Engineer Alan Brubaker, PE, PS would like to alert residents and motorists of an upcoming 90-day closure of Steels Corner Bridge Eastbound starting Monday, July 15th, 2024.
The Steels Corners Bridge being closed is on E. Steels Corners Road West of State Route 8 interchange on the border of Stow and Cuyahoga Falls. This closure is to rehabilitate the current structure by replacing the bridge expansion joints, overlaying the bridge deck with concrete, replacing the approach guardrail, and miscellaneous other repairs.
The project will be constructed part-width to maintain traffic westbound, at all times, on East Steels Corners Road, and the eastbound traffic shall be detoured north to Seasons Road. Access to Route 8 South can also be reached via Wyoga Lake Road and Graham Road. The cities of Cuyahoga Falls and Stow will adjust traffic signal timing as necessary. East bound traffic will continue to have access to Wyndham Ridge Dr. Access to homes and businesses will be maintained during this work.
The detour route will be posted. The detour route involves Wyoga Lake Road and Seasons Road. All work is subject to inclement weather.
Residents can keep up to date with the status of this project below.